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benefits of nuclear medicine:

There are many benefits that stem from nuclear medicine;

Using radioisotopes in medicine creates benefits that no other form of medicine can match. Radioactivity can create 3D maps of the inside of a person's body, it can tell doctors exactly what they need to do, and it can fight potentially fatal diseases like cancer.

Many people, specifically those with cancer or those who have diagnosed a disease early enough to take action, are very grateful for nuclear medicine in today's society. Without it, they might be confined to a hospital bed, or they might have passed away from diseases untreatable by traditional medicine. 


Radiotherapy, and radiopharmaceuticals, can be used also to ease the pain of cancer, they can help breathing return to normal, and they can help a person regain control of their bladder.


Advances in nuclear medicine could drastically change the lives of people affected by the illnesses listed below, because although treatment is currently effective using radiation, it can still be improved. If scientists can discover a way to use gamma rays in radiotherapy without damaging the tissue surrounding the cancer cells, radiotherapy would become more effective, because it would be safe to use in larger doses, which could kill cancer completely. Using radioisotopes in PET scans and the like is currently used to diagnose issues in the body, because it is unsafe to be exposed to radiation in large doses. However, if scientists could limit the danger of using them, radioisotopes could be used to further study the inside of the human body without endangering the subject.  This would further the understanding of human biology.


A list of the uses of radioactivity in nuclear medicine:


Diagnosing problems:
  • tumours

  • aneurysms

  • incompetent blood flow

  • gastrointestinal issues

  • endocrine system problems

  • neurological disorders

  • blood cell disorders (thyroid and pulmonary function deficiencies)

Radiotherapy and/or Radiopharmaceuticals:
  • The high frequency gamma waves can damage cancerous cell's DNA, and over time can kill cancer or reduce the pain caused by it.

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